The JPFO BoR Page

JPFO's material on the Bill of Rights is considerable and in recent times been added to. In order to try and facilitate visitors being able to find most relevant material it seems logical to try and provide a starting point, with links to the various and numerous pages JPFO has. Below is a list of the main items to be reviewed, from which some will link even further. The page will probably grow as we enter further useful items.

The JPFO site is over 13 years old and some material still exists in old style pages.  It is hoped to gradually update to the current format, except for the very oldest - you may well come across some early material and find links that are obsolete.


Bill of Rights Oriented Pages on JPFO
The Bill of Rights, with preamble and interpretive additions.
Certain parts of additional amendments and the Bill of Rights have had a major impact on the criminal justice system.
A page with useful samples of letters you can use (with personalization) to send out to your local media outlets etc.
A two part article by Aaron Zelman, Claire Wolf & Richard Stevens, looking at old and new aspects of the BoR.
Timothy Baldwin takes a hard look at the Constitution.
Report of 97th Congress, Second Session Feb 1982.
Jim Powell takes a hard look at the Bill of Rights. Archived on JPFO.
Neil L. Smith writes about Bill of Rights Day, to all Americans.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1941 proclamation setting up the Dec 15th date for Bill of Rights day.
Written long ago, but no less vaild now and well worth reading. Also available as an html page on JPFO.
This #3 book solves many major problems we battle daily to preserve our firearms ownership.  All the Gran'pa Jack series.
Various BoR translations, from our  "Your 10 Rights" site, now here.
Attribution - Bonus track on the CD "Cling to Our Guns" by the band RIGHT ARM OF WYOMING.
A very different look at the BoR ... emergency rule etc .
An extensive article on the Bill of Rights  and  possible fragility.


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